Dealing with Grief (Harvard Business Review)

Excerpted from :

We’re all trying.  Exploring and sharing in a new frontier.  I told all my classes, early in the week, that I think we needed to think about all of this through the lens of the Five Stages of Grief since I felt as though we had all lost something of magnitude in our lives, however that was defined.  Today I received this in an email…which continues to define and redefine what we are feeling.  It’s a great read.

And we’ve got to be grateful for the humor – the memes – the photos and videos that folks are creating and posting and sharing to do their best to remain connected.  It’s affected everyone for sure.

So my friends, stay safe.  Wash your hands.  Keep your social distance.  Stay at home.  Drink wine.  Play board games.  Binge watch TV.  ZOOM with your family and friends.  Do what you can to flatten the curve ’cause We’re all in this together… (cue choreo and song).

As always, thanks for reading.
