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A message from the President


A message from the President

Greetings choral conductors and enthusiasts!

By now, every one of us is fully immersed in rehearsals, performances, and the demands of managing ensembles and programs.  As you navigate the new year and look for resources, inspiration, and community, we hope you’ll find ways to connect with your colleagues across the state and region through ACDA.

Sometimes the busier we get, we forget how many wonderful people and programs are eager to help.  Are you a new teacher? NJACDA has some of the best choral programs in the country, and those directors are likely NJACDA members and happy to mentor.  Are you experienced, but need some new ideas?  Consider attending some of our events throughout the year and discover what you may learn from attending a session or having an informal group conversation.

The state board and I are here to serve you and your programs, and look forward to being a part of the good work of all of our members.  Let’s engage!

Dr. Christopher Thomas
Director of Choral Activities
Rowan University