Student Activity (

Excerpted from:

Before I close, let me tell you about the “lifetime purchase” ($14.95!) I recently made.  What fun!  I created a MUSIC THEORY review board and explained to the class that they would earn their box if they demonstrated an understanding of the term I called.  For example, if I called “major”, they could answer, C-E-G and get the box!  They received the URL in Google Classroom as an assignment.  You click on the board to “x” the box.  They raise their hand on the screen if multiple kids have the term and I go around and verify their answers.  It changed up the lesson and reviewed material at the same time.  I just created another with the names on the roster of all my girls in Chorale – adding their Spring Concert song titles and other concepts learned in class.  We’ll play BINGO on the “A” Friday  we return.

I don’t know.  I hope it breaks up their routine.  I know it’s helping mine.

Okay, enough writing.  Back to grading projects so I can ultimately finish episodes 4-5-6-7 of Tiger King.  (Don’t judge me…)

Thanks, as always, for reading.

Stay safe.
