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A message from the President


A message from the President

Greetings choral conductors and enthusiasts!

By now, every one of us is fully immersed in rehearsals, performances, and the demands of managing ensembles and programs.  As you navigate the new year and look for resources, inspiration, and community, we hope you’ll find ways to connect with your colleagues across the state and region through ACDA.

Sometimes the busier we get, we forget how many wonderful people and programs are eager to help.  Are you a new teacher? NJACDA has some of the best choral programs in the country, and those directors are likely NJACDA members and happy to mentor.  Are you experienced, but need some new ideas?  Consider attending some of our events throughout the year and discover what you may learn from attending a session or having an informal group conversation.

The state board and I are here to serve you and your programs, and look forward to being a part of the good work of all of our members.  Let’s engage!

Dr. Christopher Thomas
Director of Choral Activities
Rowan University

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A Note from Your President-Elect

As we start panning our 2019 Summer Conference, we would love YOUR input! Please send any names of headliners you would love to see over the next few years to anne.matlack@choralcommunities.com. Please also let us know if you are interested in presenting a session yourself. We will have an application available soon, but for now, subject and title is all you need to send. We try to have sessions for all the different hats we wear: schools (elementary, middle, HS and college), to worship, community, a cappella etc.

I’d love to hear about any clinicians and headliners you would just LOVE TO HAVE BACK again as well! If you’d be willing to help logistically with the summer conference, I’d love to know that as well (food, set-up, hosting headliners, onsite registration etc.). We are looking at August 5 & 6, to be confirmed soon. It is not too soon to assemble a team.

I also oversee the social media content for NJACDA.
Please send announcements of interest to the membership (Concerts, workshops) to me for posting on the Facebook page. Contribute to the page by visiting often and LIKING what you see.

Dr. Anne Matlack
Grace Church, Madison NJ
Artistic Director, Harmonium Choral Society